Top Six Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

In today’s glamorous world everybody wants to look fit and smart. but because of the busy schedule and uneven food intake, we are unable to make fit our body. But by including some simple and easy yoga steps in your daily life you can make fit yourself. if you don’t want to take protein powder for weight loss, you can try doing yoga..

As we know yoga is a very old fitness formula. which is coming from many centuries. in present yoga is considered as one of the best fitness forms all over the world. there are so many health benefits of yoga. doing yoga is helpful in relieving stress and fatigue for men and women.

List of yoga poses for weight loss

Chaturang dandasan

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana


So, here we are going to describe some yoga poses for weight loss.

Chaturang dandasan

Chaturang dandasan is also known as plank it is one of the good yoga poses for weight loss and also very easy. plank may be one of the best ways to strengthen your core. it may not look very tough, but doing plank may increase the intensity more.

Chaturang dandasan

Steps Todo

In this pose, you have to stay away from the ground by supporting your body on your hand and toes. with this pose you not just tones your arms but also strengthen your biceps and triceps.

  • Stay in a plan surface
  • Draw your heels and the top of your head in the opposite direction
  • Keep your chest moving between your arms
  • Repeat this for 10 to 20 times.
  • Do this daily for hard abs.


Don’t do if you have any hip or shoulder injury. Work under any certified yoga trainer.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Arda Pincha Mayurasana is also known as dolphin pose. This asana is one of the yoga poses for weight loss. this asana is very helpful to strengthen your biceps and arms. It is the combination of four things here we are going to describe it.

 Ardha Pincha Mayurasana


Ardha means half, pincha means features, Mayur means peacock and Asana means pose.

Steps to do

  • In the first step get on your knees and arms.
  • After that put your forearms on the ground, and make sure that your elbow and shoulders are in the same line.
  • Lift up your back and hips and make your leg straight.
  • your shoulder may be near your ribs. make free your neck by lifting your shoulders away.
  • Wake in toward your arms.
  • Take a deep and long breath and hold in the pose for few seconds.
  • No need of repetition.


Be careful if you have any neck or shoulder injury.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

This pose is one of the yoga poses for weight loss. in this pose, you have to move your neck, shoulder, and spin in one line. Now twist your body one side. this will help you in toning the sides of your body and upper body part, and also abdominal muscles.


Steps Todo

  • Sit straight with your legs spread out. Be sure that your toes are set together and your spine is completely straight.
  • Now, twist your left leg in this way that the heel of the left leg lies next to the right hip. You could also keep the left leg spread out if you like.
  • Then, put your right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee
  • Bend your waist, neck, and shoulders towards the right, and set your gaze over your right shoulder. Make sure your spine is straight.
  • To increase and decrease stretch simply place your right-hand back side you, and the left hand on the right knee.
  • Breath is slowly as you hold on the pose for 20 to 30 sec.
  • Repeat this step on the other side.


  • Do not try for this asana in pregnancy and menstrual period.
  • Avoid if you have any heart, abdomen or brain surgery.
  • Do not try if you have a slip disc problem.


This asana is also known as the fish pose. In this pose, we are trying to stretch our lower body such as thighs, intestines, hips, and abdominal muscles. This helps you in burning extra fats of most prominent places like tummy and thighs. So, this yoga pose is very helpful in weight loss.


Steps Todo

  • Firstly lay down on a plan surface.
  • Put your legs together
  • Put your palms beside your hips
  • Breath in and left your chest up
  • Keep in mind that your body weight is on your elbows. When your chest id lifted, lightly press your shoulder.
  • Hold on the position until you feel comfortable. And then relax.


  • Don’t try for this pose if you have any blood pressure issue.
  • You should also avoid this asana if you have any head or back injury.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is also known as upward facing dog pose. This asana includes stretching the forearm muscles and balancing body weight. It is one of the most strong and effective ways of toning your arms, biceps, and triceps.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Steps Todo

  • Lay down in plan surface with your belly towards the floor. Place your arms beside your body.
  • Twist your elbow place your palm near your lowest rib.
  • Inhale. Push the mat through your hands as you gently lift up your knees, hips, and torso. Your body weight must be dispersed across the top of your feet and your palms.
  • Look in a straight line.
  • Hold on this pose for a few seconds. Exhale and release.


  • Don’t try if you have any head injury.
  • In pregnancy
  • Headache
  • And also avoid if have any back injury.  


This pose is also known as the boat pose. This pose is work as a see-saw or boat looks in this the midriff work as the base for balancing your body. if you are upset with your increased belly fat and want to lose it, this yoga pose will give breathtaking results.  with daily practice, you can get toned abs.


Steps Todo

  • In this pose firstly sit straight on a plane surface, and stretch your legs outside in front of you.
  • Put your hands on the floor, put it behind your hips. Lift your body up and make sure that your sternum is lifted. The main goal is to straighten your back.   
  • Exhale and lift your legs at 45-degree angles with the floor
  • Now, lift your arms and spread them in such a way that they are parallel to each other along the floor.
  • Usually, stop breathing from 10 to 20 seconds, and as you get the exercise, increase the time. Release pose while leaving breath


  • Avoid this asana if you are suffering from headache, asthma, diarrhea, heart problem and other related issues.  


Have you ever acknowledged yoga poses for weight loss? Yoga is not a myth; it’s a lifestyle you are going to adopt. For life. It increases your mental and physical immunity, especially changing the way you drive your life. So, good luck, as you start on your yoga journey!

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